Just to be clear, Marshall is NOT in possession of a tiny race of ice cream people who worship him as a terrifying deity.  He’s in possession of an ice cream maker which, for some unfathomable reason, comes with a user interface that requires the user to interact with tiny representations of panicky ice cream people programed to react to the user as some kind of terrible deity… which does indeed sound horrible.  Insert joke about it still being better than that operating system that you hate HERE. (On a completely unrelated note, the internet cut out right in the middle of trying to post this, ironically enough)

Anyway, sorry I wasn’t around in the comments of the previous page, there’s a lot of fun speculation that definitely deserved some acknowledgement.  But alas, I’ve been really trying to get out of the weeds on the various other projects I fell behind on at the end of last year, and I just haven’t had a lot of spare brain left over afterwards.  And speaking of side projects, the usual reminder to check back on Friday for a new Voting Incentive!

EDIT: …aaaaand I nearly forgot again, but the new Voting Incentive is up now! (Sorry, not only am I still trying to get caught up on stuff, but I find myself actually needed to get AHEAD on a few things due to Real Life demanding some time next week)