Another page in which any narrative content is one hundred percent secondary to me getting to draw some funny faces.

So, on the one hand, I actually got this page done WELL ahead of schedule for once!  On the other hand, we’re coming up on the traditional end-of-the-month “HOLY CRAP, I still need to finish all those Patreon side projects I said I was gonna do!” scramble. That, and I’m really scrambling to get back on track with Conventional Wisdom material as well.  All that to say: I apologize in advance for when I inevitably look up after a few days straight of working on other stuff and suddenly realize I totally forgot to do a new TWC Voting Incentive.  I mean, I’m gonna TRY to remember, I got a whole new series of things I wanna kick off, but… well… ya’ll know how it goes by this point, right?  At the very least, there’ll definitely be SOMETHING new going up on Patreon by the end of the week.  Part of the franticness is because I’ve actually got a lot more half-done projects in the pipeline than usual, so I genuinely have no idea which ones will end up getting wrapped up by Friday.  Poor time management is FUN!