WHEW!  It took a bit of an all nighter, but I managed to get a fully finished version of the page up DESPITE also doing an extra Father’s Day page AND getting back on Conventional Wisdom pages over the weekend.  Speaking of which, apologies in advance if there’s any really dumb typos that I’m too blurry-eyed to catch at the moment.  It also doesn’t help that this page is a bit of a last minute hybrid of two separate page ideas, mashed together to try and pick up the pacing a little, so I wound up doing a LOT of last minute dialog changes to try and make all the bits fit together… and in the process I seem to have gone and told one of the jokes on page 1265 all over again without realizing it. Whoops.

Anyway, the usual stuff about new TWC Voting Incentives and what have you latter this week still apply… right now I need to get some sleep… man, how did I used to do this every other night?

EDIT: New Voting Incentive is up, and this time it actually IS the last of the AI outtakes!