Wow, a reference to Mariska’s ill-fated dating life AND a callback to some of the other Nitpickers we never see!  I should have tried to squeeze Ichabod’s girlfriend and the story behind Tabitha’s Mom and what’s inside The Mystery Room, just to complete the set of stuff that doesn’t get explained.

Okay, so all the usual stuff about a new TWC Voting Incentive going up of Friday and some extra Patreon content comic up and so on and so forth apply to the coming days… but I’m not gonna lie to ya’ll, I’m too busy being distracted by the fact that I’VE FINALLY FINISHED RE-POSTING ALL THE OLD CONVENTIONAL WISDOM COMICS TO THE NEW SITE!  Granted, I’m only “done” in the sense that I’m done re-posting Far Out There material, which is to say “still with a lot of old Bonus Incentives and Patreon extras and stray other stuff left to do.”  But still!  The main comic archive is finally up to date!  And it only took… more than a whole year longer than Far Out There did!  That honestly seems like it should have been the other way around; but then, Conventional Wisdom technically never went on hiatus like Far Out There did.  Does this mean that Far Out There will finally be going back to two pages a week?  Not anytime soon, but I DID get this page done a lot earlier than most pages have gotten done recently, so clearly the work flow is stating to improve at least somewhat!

EDIT: TWC Voting Incentive is up!