Okay, I’ll usually rejoice at any opportunity to inflict adversity upon Avi, but even I think that eye turned out pretty gnarly.

Also, hey look!  A joke I made in the comments got promoted up to actual canon status!  See?  Every so often, one of those “I should totally use that” things really DOES make it into an actual comic!

And now, housekeeping.  I tacked this onto the end of the commentary for page 1266, but I’m wrapping up the whole “random drawing inspired by a random song” series in the TWC incentives in favor of something entirely different.  Actually, TWO different things, one that will start this week to kind of buy myself some time, and another that’ll start up once that short one is finished.  So be sure to keep an eye on that TWC button to make sure you don’t miss out on anything!  Also, be sure to ALSO drop by Patreon, because something especially neat just dropped over there: the next chapter in that Far Out There prose story!  What, you forgot that I was writing a totally non-comic-based Far Out There tale on Patreon?  I wouldn’t blame you, the first chapter dropped all the way back in December.  But just because things happen veeeeeeery sloooooooowly in Far Out There land doesn’t mean they don’t happen eventually!  So go become at least a $2 patron and get yourself an entirely different sort of Far Out There fix!

EDIT: Okay, new TWC Voting Incentive is up!