So, I was in the process of posting this page, and my comments were mostly going to consist of me rambling about how I’d been torn over whether to write “rhinoctopuses” or “rhinoctopi,” but just wound up going with a collective singular in order to show off how funny the word “rhinoctopus” is… and then I realized I was in the process of posting a comic where the word was in fact misspelled as “rhinocopus.”  I really need teach my spell check to look for more words.  I don’t even think it knows how to spell catastroflan!

Anyway, the usual extra updates/news apply here: There’s a new TWC Voting Incentive going up Thursday, there’s a few more old pages of The Killer Station of Deadly Doom up in The Gallery (and at least a few more will probably go up at some point, start here if you haven’t checked since last week), there more free Halloween stuff up on Patreon, and more NORMAL Patreon stuff will be going up later this week too.  Ya know, all the standard stuff.

Slight edit: Regarding the gradual drip of Killer Station of Deadly Doom pages to the gallery, make sure to at least go read page 135, because BOY some work went into being able to present that one again…

EDIT: …and speaking of Incentives, the new TWC incentive is up!