Does it still count as “technobabble” if it’s mostly about food and not, ya know, technological stuff?

Anyway, here’s the thing: whenever I try to cook something more complicated than… whenever I try to cook ANYTHING, the thing that always screws me up right off the bat is time management.  I’m HORRIFICALLY bad about making one part of a meal, then taking so long to make the other half that the first half is cold by the time the rest is ready.  And when I try to multi-task and start one thing then get another done while that first one heats up or whatever, that just results in things getting forgotten about and burning or boiling over or any number of other kitchen disasters.  The point is, when I wanted to immediately illustrate Marshall being an absolute master of his domain in the kitchen, the only choice was to show him starting a whole bunch of things all at once and staying on top of it all, since that’s exactly the kind of thing I CAN’T do.

And speaking of not being able to multi-task, Ichabod’s line about not knowing where something is actually serves as a kind of in-joke.  See, I ALSO don’t know where anything in the kitchen is because, in case you haven’t noticed, we never got an establishing shot of what this particular room looks like.  We were SUPPOSED to get one in page 1233, but I got distracted drawing that hamburger spider and doing the dramatic shadow effect and blah blah blah.  The whole “draw what the kitchen actually looks like” step was supposed to be taken care of in the following pages, but I kept forgetting.  And when I remembered right in the middle of THIS page, I didn’t wanna spend time working out a whole new background from scratch for a page where I wasn’t sure how much the speech bubbles would just end up covering up everything.  And I wasn’t about to redraw the WHOLE PAGE in order to accommodate an extra panel.  So what I’m saying is, don’t be shocked if we suddenly get a page in the next couple of weeks that seems to serve no purpose other that show how far the stove is from the fridge.

(EDIT: TWC Incentive was late again, but I got a few good excuses.  For one thing, I got really REALLY distracted fiddling with the details on this one again, but that’s nothing new.  The OTHER reason is because I got started on the Incentive late ‘cos I was finishing up another comic page for Patreon!  So be sure to go read that!)