Strap yourselves in for SPELLBINDING COOKING ACTION!  …actually, I shouldn’t joke.  I’ve worked in a restaurant.  The kitchen is one of the most stressful places imaginable.

Anyway, a number of last-minute distractions all sprang up at once, as is usually the case, and while it obviously didn’t keep the main comic from getting done, there’s a possibility that the next TWC Voting Incentive MIGHT end up being a day or so late.  Once again, the conditions are ripe for me to totally forget what time of the week it is until it’s too late, so apologies in advance if that happens.

In the meantime, though, I’m happy to say that I’ve FINALLY gotten a few more Killer Station of Deadly Doom pages re-posted over in The Gallery!  We’re finally over the halfway point!  Seriously, even after all this time, we’ve only just now even made it that far!  It’s madness, isn’t it?

EDIT: IT’S STILL TECHNICALLY THURSDAY AS I WRITE THIS!  I officially got the new TWC Voting Incentive up on Thursday!  Who cares if there’s only 30 minutes of the day left, that’s still not officially over yet!