I shoulda known that the second I said the previous page might be the last time we see Tabitha wearing the Chemistry Deathmatch shirt, it was pretty must GUARANTEED that it wouldn’t be.  And I also should have known that the second I said my workflow was getting back to normal, I’d totally jinxed it.  Sure enough, Real Life kicked in, and I wound up not even getting STARTED on today’s page until Sunday morning.  As is usually the case with pages bashed out in that much of a hurry, I’m already noticing details I’m not happy with, but I think this time I’ll spare everybody the misery of listening to me complain about panel layouts and wasted space and blah blah blah.

Instead, here’s something tantalizing to get everyone curious.  For the first time in *checks* FIVE WHOLE YEARS, I’ve started a new folder on my computer to store the pages to come after this.  Why does that matter?  Well, as it happens, I keep the pages divided by story arc.  DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUUUN!

Oh yeah, and don’t forget about checking back for a new TWC Voting Incentive on Thursday!

EDIT: New TWC Incentive is up!