Oh man, it feels weird to talk about the past week as being a “break,” since I’ve technically cranked out over a dozen comics over the past seven days, but it was still a MASSIVE load off my mind to already have this page finished and ready to post.  It felt AMAZING to not have to scramble to get caught up on anything over the weekend… even if I did just use that extra time to bash out even more Conventional Wisdom stuff.  I really need to hunker down and get a page buffer built up more often.  Granted, this comic is pretty obviously one of those “single panel filler page that can be finished in no time” deals that can wear out their welcome very quickly, but I feel like I’ve been pretty good about actually advancing plot stuff lately, so hopefully this won’t feel TOO much like wheel spinning.  Besides, everybody on this page probably needed a quick “We’re here too!” appearance just to keep them all in play.  That’s yet another thing that’s harder to stay on top of while only doing one page a week.

But speaking of doing stuff over the week, continue keeping an eye out for more TWC Voting Incentives!  The last one was a pretty drastic change of pace, so who KNOWS how the next one will turn out?  Seriously, I have no idea what it’ll be until right before I start drawing.  Your guess is as good as mine.

EDIT: Huh.  As it turns out, this week’s incentive ended up being a nice sort of middle ground between the styles of the previous ones, and I didn’t even mean for that to happen.