WHOOPS!  I went through all the trouble of getting this page done ahead of time, then forgot to actually queue it up on the site!  Sorry about that!  But yeah, if you missed me talking about it before, both this AND next week’s pages were cranked out in advance so that I could spend the next week or two really focusing on getting Conventional Wisdom stuff done.  And, well, it’s only the morning after Animazement, and I’ve already got two pages online, so I guess it’s working SO far!

But enough about other comic and behind the scenes stuff, let’s talk about THIS comic… except there’s still only so much I can say, because spooooooooilers!  Well, okay, I’ll say this much: when I originally plotted out this scene, the payoff was going to be exactly what it seemed like it’d be.  We’d have a splash page or two of Stilez projections tearing up eldritch abominations, which would scare the Short Pants Squad away from messing with her, and that’d be it.  The first problem was timing, I didn’t realize these pages would be overlapping with Animazement (dang it, I’m talking about that again!) and big elaborate action sequences didn’t mix well with cranking pages out quickly.  I mean, this is Far Out There.  Action-based pages are a risky proposition even when I DO have time to work on them.  But as I chewed on that, I realized I was overlooking a chance to do something different.  See, I’m not kidding about there still being spoilers.  This isn’t one of those things where I’ll be vague about details because I haven’t actually figured them out yet.  I honestly DO have a payoff in mind, and realized this was a perfect place to drop a hint or two.  At that point, the fact that doing so also wound up meaning I didn’t have to draw any violent action scenes was just an added bonus.  Gotta love it when things work out like that!  So yeah, have fun theorizing what any of THAT means.

Oh, and just ‘cos I can: remember that you can totally buy crap with that “Chemistry Deathmatch” design on it right up there in the store!

Edit: Tore myself away from Conventional Wisdom long enough to get the new TWC Voting Incentive posted, and lemme tell ya, it’s quite the total shift from the previous entries in this series!