Well now, here’s an annoying brain fart.  Back in the re-posting fest that was last year, I misread the old SmackJeeves comments on page 1162 and thought they meant I’d intended to animate that page.  It turned out those comments were actually about the Voting Incentive, not the main comic… but Present Me actually really liked the idea I’d assumed Past Me was talking about.  Having several speech bubbles on a loop, appearing one at a time instead of having to squeeze all three into a single panel (and visually communicating the act of channel surfing at the same time)?  That’s a pretty clever idea if I do say so myself!  So, better late than never, the idea ends up happening for real!

Oh, and if you think this page is going up a bit late because I was fiddling with the animation, nope.  I was actually done with this page Saturday night.  No, the ACTUAL reason for the delay was the Voting Incentive.  Just like last week, I started playing around with some really intricate artworks and got waaaaaaaaaaaay too carried away with it all… to the point that it’s not done yet.  Yep, I’ve been working on this one piece of art pretty much non-stop since Sunday morning, and it’s STILL not ready to put online.  I was trying to get it all done and posted in one blast, but at this rate I really needed to give in and get the already-finished comic out the door already.  So come back sometime tomorrow and I should FINALLY have this needlessly complicated Voting Incentive all finished and online.  Man, there’s ANOTHER thing that feels weirdly nostalgic to say…

(5/19 EDIT:  WOW that took longer than I expected.  Sorry about the crazy delay, but I got waaaaaaaay too wrapped up in experimenting with some new art techniques… half of which you probably won’t end up being able to see, of course.  But yeah, the new TWC Voting Incentive is finally up… and I’m just gonna go ahead and say it now, but there will NOT be a new one next week.  Not just because I wanna make sure everybody gets a chance to see this one, either, but I’m gonna have a LOT of Real Life over the next week or so.  With the amount of time I wound up blowing on this Incentive, I’m really gonna need to give myself less to do over the weekend.  Hey, that’s something ELSE to feel nostalgic over!)