Equivalent exchange at work once again: The previous page gets finished and posted online right at midnight, the next one has to wind up being an entire day late. That’s just the law of the natural universe. Actually, it’s more a case of me not being able to go to a convention without coming down with SOME kind of con crud. By the crud’s standards, this bout wasn’t all that bad (being able to come home and sleep in your own bed each night helps out a lot with stuff like that), but it was still enough for me to have ZERO energy all of Monday. I tried to get started on this as soon as the con was over, but there was just nothing happening. After this little hiccup, it’s suddenly VERY likely that the next page won’t be done until Saturday morning. I really hope that’s an alarmist prediction, but with all the other stuff I’ve got to get done over the next few weeks, I REALLY didn’t need to also be playing catch-up here. I dunno, we’ll see.

If nothing else, at least the latest TWC Voting Incentive made it up more or less on time. I mean, it wasn’t Wednesday, so that alone makes it downright prompt.

(Historical Notes: Well, this is a weird milestone.  Unless anybody can come up with some internet magic to find some extra material, I believe this is the last SmackJeeves author commentary I can recover.  And once again, it’s all about Past Me complaining about lateness and not the comic itself.  Then again, the READER comments did provoke an interesting tidbit from Past Me that I’d totally forgotten about.  Apparently, at one point, I’d considered making this page animated, with multiple speech bubbles from the TV changing every time Mariska clicked the remote.  It’s an interesting idea… though not one that would have worked with this writing.  This stuff is way too wordy, an animated page like that would need much shorter sound bites that anyone could digest in a second.  Still, I gotta remember that idea for later.  Oh, and if you think the lack of old SmackJeeves posts means no more Past Me commentary AT ALL, well just you wait…)