First of all, this is actually my first attempt to schedule a page in advance on the new site, so let’s hope I’m actually doing this right.  Cross your fingers, Future Me!

Second, I was trying to finally make good on that idea I had back on the 4th of July to use the these holiday comics as an excuse to do some more worldbuilding instead of just a glorified greeting card.  This attempt is… not quite what I’d intended.  I mean, it’s a nice return to Avatar doing the whole “bottomless fount of weird knowledge” thing, but I wish I’d put a bit more thought into her story behind “hahaha violent valentine presents” and done something with more of a narrative.  Heck, I very nearly posted a version of this with Tabitha just mentioning some random scifi-sounding nonsense name, before it dawned on me I should at least slip in one of those recurring names that keep cropping up (that is, a SPECIFIC scifi-sounding nonsense name instead of a random one).

So, yesterday I promised you all more of an explanation when ACTUAL new comics were starting back up.  I’d hoped to drop a new one right after the anniversary hit, but I didn’t get anywhere near as much site-building work done over the course of the past week as I’d hoped… since I was too busy playing around with this weekend’s stuff.  I want to at LEAST get the Character Profiles online and fully updated (with new pictures for everybody) by the time regular updates begin, so I’m gonna take at least the next week to just focus on that.  HOPEFULLY page 1168 will hit sometime the week-after-next, and whatever day it’s done will be the new update day for the near future.

Oh yeah, that’s the other thing: I’ve mentioned this elsewhere, but I’ll reiterate for anyone who didn’t see that Far Out There will NOT be going back to the twice-a-week update schedule while the rest of the website work still needs doing.  I want to get back to that eventually, but for now I need to allow myself more time to work on more things.  That and, ya know, I need to get back into the groove of doing full comics on a regular basis before I can even say for sure that I CAN keep that schedule up anymore.  One step at a time, ya know?