Happy Random Costumes Day, everyone!  And actually, these costumes are a lot more random than usual.  If you’re struggling to figure out where any of these characters are from… then you’re clearly not signed up for $2 or more a month on Patreon!  See, one of the various things I do over there is a monthly blog series where I show off songs I think would make great opening or closing themes to anime, then imagine what said anime would look like.  And you guessed it, all the Far Out There crew decided to dress up based on art from those blogs!  It’s fictional characters dressing up as fictional characters from sources whose very existence is itself a work of fiction!  This whole comic is one ontological hiccup away from flickering out of reality itself!  …seriously, though, if you wanna know what the story behind any of this stuff is, a mere two bucks gets you access to all my Patreon blogs, anime themes included!  And, of course, there’s plenty of Far Out There things waiting to be seen too!

But anyway, just in case you missed me saying it earlier, this holiday page is NOT the “new page” for this week.  As I write this, I’m already editing page 1248, so it should be finished and up on Tuesday morning no problem.  And just in case you missed me saying the other part too, Tuesday will be the official regular update day for Far Out There from this point forward… for, like, four or five weeks, before everything goes crazy for Christmas comics.  Speaking of which, CRAP, I gotta get to work on more of those…