Firependenceworks Day 2023
So, would this be considered better or worse than the substitute fireworks we saw Trigger with last year?
More importantly, I just need to come right out and confess that I totally forgot that America’s Independence Day was happening this Tuesday, and thus hogging the usual update slot. Yes, I forgot what the date of The Fourth of July was. That takes some talent, right there. Don’t worry, though. Ya’ll WILL be getting page 1279 tomorrow… which isn’t even close to finished on Sunday morning as I get this page queued up. HOPEFULLY the unexpected time I spent throwing this little animation together won’t bog down the completion of the next page too much, otherwise it might endanger the next set of TWC Voting Incentives, which are SUPPOSED to finally start up this Friday. I dunno. Check back tomorrow when page 1279 goes live and find out from Future Me what time it was when that finally got finished. That’ll be the deciding factor, right there.
Oh, and just in case, because it’s been a little while since I did one of these things: If you’re just seeing a black tube and want to know where this alleged “animation” is, make sure your browser is set/is capable of displaying animated PNGs. I know it’s not as common as GIFs, so sorry if your device/browser doesn’t wanna cooperate, but the color quality is waaaaaaaaay better this way.
@ Hovertext: The tube completely isolates the fireworks from the outside world. What the real problem is, is that the protective casing on the fireworks is faulty, causing it to be partially active while it isn’t properly on, using up fireworks and meaning that the active state of the tubed-fireworks can be activated less times, if it would work properly at all.
As for you forgetting about US Independence Day, it’s called “ignoring the date as it isn’t relevant… until realizing that it is”.
I figured it was just an el cheapo looping hologram for folks who didn’t really want to put in the effort for the real thing – but want to say they did something. The future is all about not putting in the effort. (Says the guy who’s never had a Christmas tree…not even one of those tiny desk sized ones…)
Maybe there’s a single tiny firework that goes off once, but the inside of the tube is a temporal distortion that causes those few seconds to constantly loop, and somebody accidentally set this one off early?
That was totally my second guess! 😉
That would be false advertising! It would need to be two for it to be “Fireworks”, but there’s only one colour and only one is seen at a time! If the temporal distortion theory is correct, it would be “Firework in a Tube”.
Re: hovertext – Xalgox Pops are bred to be self-refrigerating!
The Future is Amazing that way!
(Which is to say there’s still poverty, pollution, corruption, crime, and social media, but they’ve totally solved the problem of melting ice pops over the next million years or so – (mad) scientific resources were spent where they were most important! )
Just saying, but I vote in favor of animated PNGs as I have an animated GIF blocker installed – oh emm gee those fracking moving spammy ads are sooooo annoying. So I never get to see the awesomeness of motion when you’ve previously done animated gifs 🙁
Now THAT’S interesting. I just have the ads blocked completely. I hadn’t thought about just shutting down the animated bit specifically.
Unfortunately, “They” are onto that trick and have made it such that many web sites don’t work at all for the thing you need them for if you have an adblocker (even when it’s turned off!). So I have one browser (with adblock) that I use for sites that still work with it, and another browser with no adblock for the sites that won’t work if I block them – for that browser, I have gifblock to make the obnoxious ads at least less annoying – it makes them a still photo instead of moving. Since I don’t want to block YOUR ads, that’s the browser I use for FOT reading. But I miss out on the gif animation 🙁