OOOOooooookaaaaaaaaaay… so, this page is running even later than yesterday’s did. In my own defence, the hold up this time wasn’t me falling asleep, but me working on too many pages at once. The upside is that tomorrow’s page is already inked, and I think I might be able to get the rest done on time as well. Buuuuuuut that burst of activity also resulted in me not starting work editing this page until waaaaaay too late. So, I’m going ahead and putting this obviously unfinished draft up so you guys can have SOMETHING to read right now. Check back in a few hours and I should have the colored version ready.

In the meantime, if you want to see some stuff that’s ACTUALLY finished, there’s a new Voting Incentive, and if a new princess costume isn’t enough Jenna for you, Patreon supporters have a new comic too! (Speaking of which, if you can’t afford the One Dollar A Month and are wondering what all the fuss is about, I’m planning to update the Patreon Gallery next week as a sort of Christmas gift, so look forward to that!)

(Historical Notes: Okay, this page might looks a bit… grungier than the others, and I am SEVERELY annoyed over the reason.  In the scramble to get all these pages done in the first place, Past Me apparently accidentally saved over the master copy of this page with a rough draft of the next day’s page.  The only way I could get a finished copy of THIS page was to rip it off of SmackJeeves, messy compression artifacts and all.  I tried to clean up as much as I could, but there’s only so much I could do with a file that was already scaled down to website-size.  Grumble grumble grumble…)