You know, it feels like I keep having to re-learn a few lessons about drawing webcomics over and over and over again. Stuff like “make sure that speech bubble is both the right size and in the right place” or “figure out what colors a character is BEFORE you put them in a full-color page” or… um… “don’t fall asleep in front of the computer before the comics done”. Cos, yep, that happened again. Kind of embarrassing when a comic this simple ends up being THIS late.

Anyway, have I mentioned that I love what a total dork Jenna is? I’m pretty sure she’s got a big box in her room containing every instruction manual of every single item she has EVER owned. You know, just in case. Can’t be too careful, right?

(Historical Notes: It was VERY rightly pointed out that I absolutely should have had Jenna’s book be written by Dr. Freeman.  I have absolutely no explanation for this failure on my part.)