Even if you didn’t grow up with VHS, you’ve still seen pretty much this exact thing in the form of budget DVDs at the dollar store checkout. And it’s always the same batch of old copyright-free Christmas cartoons, too, like that one Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer cartoon that came out before the Rankin-Bass special. Even if you’ve never seen that, you’ve seen that. It’s just a part of the air at Christmas.

But enough of all that. The REAL fun here is seeing if anyone can guess what the other two video boxes in the picture are! The correct answers are every bit as geeky as you’d expect!

Also, any North Carolina readers will hopefully enjoy the little shout-out to the late, lamented Ed McCay’s. My anime collection owed MUCH to your used bins, overflowing with the leftovers of people upgrading their collections to DVD.

(Historical Notes; I can’t remember if I bring this up in later pages or not, but a number of the VHS tapes on display here were on loan from a friend of mine… who bolstered his collection at Ed McKay’s the same way I did.  And while it’s one of the earlier pages, I still think this is one of the more impressive bits of photoshop in this set.  Yes, I totally forgot to put text on the side of the box, but those scratches on the front were actually on the original box, and made it onto the final draft surprisingly intact!)