Oh man, this series is coming to an end kicking and screaming, I’ll tell you what. Aside from the fact that it’s a little busy around here right now, I had a whole bunch of WEIRD technical problems that, basically, meant I had to start this page over from scratch TWICE. I went from thinking I was finally ahead of schedule for once all month to being (almost) the farthest behind ever. So, if you notice any funky details I missed, know that’s it’s because I’d already had to fix it twice before and my eyes probably glazed over on take three. Between all the delays, it’s looking a bit unlikely that my hopes of getting the TWC Voting Incentives back on schedule for Tuesday probably won’t happen. That particular Christmas present is gonna be a little late, I’m afraid.

Anyway, for those of you coming in late, this is basically the holiday sequel to an April Fools page that was itself the continuation of a longstanding tradition of slipping a few early-bird cameos of future characters into the Christmas pages. In particular, the girl with the hat and the blond kid… neither of whom have publicly announced names yet, despite YEARS of sneak peaks and even three actual real appearances outside the protective bounds of holiday material. In case you didn’t already think the plot in this comic ran slowly, please think of the poor souls stuck in this waiting room until their storyline finally starts.

(Historical Notes: Another pages where the photocollage didn’t turn out all that well, though I guess the foundational gag of a bland, sterile waiting room kind of allows for a certain amount of fake-ness.  Still, I dunno why Past Me didn’t just slip into an empty classroom at church and snap a picture there to use.  Granted, most of those rooms aren’t this big, but they’ve still got enough of that “generic bland room” feel that they’d work as a waiting room.  Heck, I could have had a lot of fun adding some kind of “thank you for waiting” message on the dry erase board!  But yeah, the list of characters I’m still waiting to show more of did NOT get much shorter after Marshall and May finally made it into the regular cast.)