OOOOOooooooh, this was one big ol’ disaster, right here. I’ll spare you all the details of all the specific things I had to do and do over and stop doing before they were really done in order to get SOMETHING posted, and instead just explain what started this whole process. I’ve been doing so much Conventional Wisdom stuff these past few… months, really, that I had a sudden, overwhelming urge to do something flashier than usual for the next Far Out There page. So I did it. I did not allot the necessary TIME to do something flashier than usual, nor did I plan out the exact steps it would require before diving in head first, NOR did I stop to ask if I actually had enough creative energy left after all the Conventional Wisdom-ing going on to do something this detail heavy… which I did not. Thus, we have a page that’s an entire day late, and only vaguely resembled the trippy “tunnel through swirly space” effect I was trying to evoke. Actually, this page probably needed a third panel just showing an exterior of the other ship to help establish just what we’re cutting away to… buuuut that’d require doing TWO animations on a page that’s already broken from trying to include just one… yeah, I basically feel like Mariska looks right now.

All that said, it was fun to have another reminder that there ‘s even MORE characters on the way to join our already bloated cast. We really should have cut to them earlier, just to keep all the pieces in play. I probably should have done that instead of one of those random pages of Blip saying something weird.

Well, anyway, I’m pleased to report that, while everything else has been getting delayed and bogged down, Voting Incentives are actually updating again! So I am accomplishing SOMETHING around here!

(Historical Notes: So, I really learned the hard way just how few colors you can actually squeeze into a GIF on pages like these, which is why I’m SOOOOO much happier with the PNG version.  Don’t get me wrong, Past Me is still right about there needing to be some kind of establishing shot for the joke to truly work, but at least the panel itself doesn’t look terrible anymore!  Also, enough time has passed for me to not be certain, but I THINK the “space warp” effect in the window is actually a screengrab of the slitscan tunnel effect from the old school Doctor Who opening.  Nobody tell the BBC!)