So, the good news is that today’s page is NOT late and half-finished because I stopped in the middle of work to draw a completely unrelated piece of fan art. No no no, this page is late and half-finished because I spent hours struggling with a completely DIFFERENT page before giving up and pushing that one back to next week, then making up something else on the fly that I could bash out in a (sort of) hurry.

And, as is often the case with this sort of thing, the off-the-cuff bit of randomness turned out a LOT funnier than the page I was actually putting work into would have. Although… it says a lot about me that a page about temporal paradoxes is what I went to as my “easy” idea, while the original idea, which would have continued showing several people sitting down and having a normal conversation, was so hard for me that I had to give myself an extra three days to work on it.

Anyway, as usual for this sort of thing, check back for the finished page either later tonight or early tomorrow (depending on if I can fight the urge to do something really elaborate and difficult with the edges of that distortion thingy) In the mean time, there’s a new TWC Voting Incentive which currently has WAY more color than this comic, and I actually managed to make good on getting another Far Out There character soundtrack blog up on Patreon this week! Two consecutive weeks of Far Out There content on Patreon! The end is nigh!

(Historical Notes: My original plan was to animate the edges of the portal/distortion/thing, but after all the trouble I had with the LAST attempt at doing the animation for that setting, I decided against it.  There’s also something to be said about yet another instance of Past Me pushing things back and doing something totally random… but again, I wanna save that rant for a point where there’s TRULY nothing else to talk about.)