Maureen Phaedo and Sandy Hume are one of those bits of Far Out There pop culture that I haven’t been able to show as much as I’d like. I’d hoped the current plot would allow for more bits of world building than the Power Outage one, but there’s surprisingly little you can work into the concert/party setting. I mean, I’D spend a fancy party sitting around watching stupid television, but that’s why I don’t get invited to them in the first place. Also, since it’s ambiguous whether or not any of these characters are adults or what, I’m not sure if we wanted to see any of them actually being invited to Disonar’s party (Guy’s creepy enough as it is, ya know?)

And no, I’m not doing a Principal Baby special next week.

But you know what I AM doing? Giving you a new Voting Incentive!

(Historical Notes: One of my favorite comments was on this page: “The “Baby” is an alchoholic! BAD BABY!”)