Man, the tags on this page are just absolute madness.  It looks like I just passed out and collapsed onto the keyboard while posting this page… which isn’t all THAT far from the actual Far Out There creative process.  Then again, some of the characters in this page first appeared in a Far Out There comics A LITERAL DECADE AGO, and that’s the sort of thing that comes dangerously close to looking like I had a plan all along.

So, it’s Friday, which HOPEFULLY means there’s a new TWC Voting incentive up as you read this.  Of course, given the weirdness of these December update schedules, I’m writing this MANY days before it actually goes live, so I’ve got no idea if Future Me was able to keep track of what day it is long enough to get the new Incentive finished and posted on time.  Seriously, my usual weekly groove has been so drastically thrown off even as I write this that I might not even know what MONTH it is by the time this page goes live.