Happy Ho Ho Ho, everybody! As you read this, I should be off visiting the extended family back in Ye Olde Country (or whatever), and I hope you’re having an equally good time!

And, since this is the season to be corny and sappy, I want to thank everybody who’s been reading Far Out There this past year. Yeah, I know that doesn’t really cover a terribly large crowd at the moment, but still, you have no idea how awesome it is to know that SOMEONE out there is actually looking at this comic I’ve been tinkering with for so long. Thanks a ton, guys! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

(Historical Note: All these years later, it STILL boggles my mind to think anybody out there might be reading any of my stuff.  Well, I’m glad I managed to get at least ONE vintage Far Out There Christmas up on the new site before actual 2019 Christmas Day.  Here’s hoping the rest of the restoration effort moves faster than this first month.)