What, you thought Gright was gonna be represented by a PLUSHIE?  Oh, that’s waaaaaaay too obvious.  Mysterious pseudo snack-looking food items were the only real choice!

Also, you may have noticed some weirdness with the Far Out There logos.  I’ve tried to spice things up by using different logos that roughly coincide with the era of the comic where the character being referenced first showed up. Since Gright is a pretty early addition to the comic, that meant digging up the VERY ORIGINAL logo, from all the way back when this comic first went up on Drunk Duck.  I’m not sure this logo even lasted a full year, but it was still fun to dig it up again.  Also, that means these Gright Bites are almost certainly expired.

OH!  I’ve been lax about mention Patreon stuff lately, but there’s still plenty of stuff coming out.  In fact, I just put up another Christmas blog that’s free for everybody!

EDIT: GAH!  Speaking of me being lax about stuff, I FORGOT TO PUT UP A NEW VOTING INCENTIVE YESTERDAY!  It’s up now, though!  REALLY!