Clearly, all his recent experiences have made Ichabod MUCH better with kids.

Also, I’m clearly doing a less labor-intensive page this time (that is, no dialog) so that I’ll have more creative juices left over to finish the rest of Conventional Wisdom’s remaining Animazement pages before Otakon.  That, or I’m just doing my penance for those multiple Wall of Text pages earlier.  These are not mutually exclusive options.

But yeah, just as an extra reminder: there’s still not going to be new TWC Voting Incentives until after Otakon, because WOW I did not properly process just how quickly the time between these two conventions would actually pass.  I mean, I’ve got all the remaining Conventional Wisdom stuff penciled out at this point, so I SHOULD be able to get the rest done by the end of this weekend, but that won’t really leave room for much else… and it HAS to get done by the weekend, because I’ll need to spend the bulk of NEXT week actually getting ready for the trip.  And just for the record, “getting ready” includes not just finishing page 1282, but also getting as much of 1283 done ahead of time, because I’m almost certainly not going to feel like doing much of ANYTHING on Monday the 31st.