…and now I really want to see Stilez fighting the Mega Awesome Rangers.

This is one of those pages whose very existence kind of bugs me. To be honest, the plan was to have next Tuesday’s page go up today. But at the last minute (well, quite a few minutes AFTER the “last”, actually), I decided the events in that page were happening a bit too soon, and the pacing needed to be stretched out a touch… and now that I’ve done it, I’m worrying that this page is just needless filler and the pacing might need to be tightened back up again. *sigh* Just can’t win, can ya?

Also, I SWEAR that horrifying black blob actually looked like Stilez holding Ichabod before I colored everything in. Not sure what happened there.

BTW, big ol’ props to Darius Drake for making that “Ichabod as a kid brother who needs to learn to have fun” observation last time. That’s actually a really funny idea, and it jives well with what I was already planning on doing anyway. Ya’ll keep having good ideas, ya hear?

Last of all, the fact that Tuesday’s Voting Incentive… didn’t come out until late Wednesday (whoops) probably COULD have been an excuse for me to just not do a new one today. But screw that, I did a new one anyway. Still, that’s not a lot of time, and I realize some of you honestly might not have time to see the old incentive. Thus, I’ve actually gotten around to updating the Incentive Gallery! Now’s your chance to get fully caught up on the many twists and turns of Tabitha dressing people up in elaborate costumes!

JANUARY 19 EDIT: Okay, if you’re wondering where the heck today’s page is, I don’t blame you. Alas, the internet’s down all over the place right now. I’m writing this on my phone, but loading a new page that way isn’t really an option. I’ll post the new page as soon as I can. In the mean time, I DID get the new Voting Incentive up before everything crashed, so you can at least see that!

(Historical Notes: Wow, I didn’t expect to start dealing with this problem quite THIS early.  I though we’d have another year or so to get through before the comic started blatantly spinning its wheels.  Or, more to the point, that I’D start spinning MY wheels and actively stretching things out to avoid work.  Past Me claims it was to smooth out the pacing, but the second guessing after the fact is spot on.  This whole page is completely unnecessary, and I cringed a little bit reading it again.  I’m gonna be doing that a LOT over the next few hundred pages.)