Time for another “just in case you forgot” recap! Megaweapon believes he’s filled with nanites Jenna controls and can cause internal tickling. Jenna doesn’t make use of this very often because, for one thing, it’s a lie, but also because she kinda doesn’t approve of the trick to begin with.

Anyway, I think it says a lot about what kind of person Jenna is that she’ll just grit her teeth and bear it when someone’s picking on HER, but immediately steps in when someone ELSE is getting picked on.

So, this is the last of that big pile of comics I finished at the end of 2013, and at this point the dual storms of MAGFest and Ichibancon should be blown over completely. HOPEFULLY, this will mean the return of Voting Incentives soon, to say nothing of some much needed updates around the site. Well, stay tuned for more on that in the weeks to come.

EDIT: So, sadly, I don’t have any new Voting Incentives to go up today. Turns out it’s a VERY good thing I got as many comic pages as I did done in advance, ‘cos I got sick after BOTH of those cons. And I mean Completely Incapacitated Like A Dead Dog sick, so nothing new got done between Conventional Wisdom update. In fact, I’m honestly having to relearn how to draw Far Out There stuff right now, I got that rusty. I should be back in the groove by Friday, though, so we’ll definitely have some new Incentives by then.

(Historical Notes: No joke, part of the reason I’ve been doing those random holiday pages during the hiatus is because I need to stay in practice.  I don’t wanna finally get all caught up and ready to start posting new comics, only to make everyone suffer through weeks of super sloppy amateur hour garbage because I can’t remember how to do this.)