You know, it’s going to be hard to take much pleasure out of Megaweapon’s much-deserved comeuppance if he’s going to insist on being so cute and hugable when he’s scared. Then again, that might be how he’s been able to get away with this stuff for so long.

So, part of me worried if this page might be unnecessary. When dealing with an audience not well-versed in Sci-Fi tropes, the fact that nanites could squirm their way inside you without your noticing probably would have to be explained, but clever folks like you guys seemed to already be assuming it to be the case. However, I also kind of needed this page as a step in Megaweapon’s gradual realization of just what a disadvantage he’s in. And trust me, IT GETS WORSE.

Speaking of “Oh crap” moments, The Killer Station of Deadly Doom just had a bit of a revelation too. Go vote and find out what!

So, for all my carrying on about making a Far Out There FAQ, I’ve neglected to talk about the revamped Character Profiles I’ve been trying to do for ages and ages. Well, I’m inching closer, as these unfinished pictures of Trigger and Layla demonstrate. Any feedback would be appreciated!

(Historical Notes: …aaand I didn’t wind up using either of them.)