So, on the one hand, this covers the fact that, even with his established love of pranks, Trigger just wouldn’t ACTUALLY do something like this. AND, now you can’t nitpick whether or not it actually makes sense for Trigger and Avatar to have actually been able to do it! BRILLIANT!

…except, now you have to wonder if Trigger’s little plan will actually WORK. I’m gonna go out on a limb and suggest that an just maybe an innocent, soft-hearted kid like Trigger shouldn’t be trying to anticipate what a vicious little brat like Megaweapon is going to do.

A little side thing, by the way: I think I finally have a drawing for Layla’s profile picture that I like, but… well, I’m torn. Here’s the new picture, and here’s the previous one I had second thoughts on. If you’ll remember, I didn’t want to use that as the main profile picture because it’s too casual and didn’t represent the character as well. This new one, I think, captures her personality a lit better and looks more like how she’d want to be depicted… BUT, I just don’t think it’s as good as a drawing. I dunno, maybe I’m just overly proud of how well that sweater turned out. Whadda you think? Which one do you think is the better profile pic? (and remember, I’m gonna USE both of them, just one will be down in a gallery of character art)

…AH! And, of course, another page of The Killer Station of Deadly Doom for everyone who’ll bother to vote on TWC!

(Historical Notes: …and again, I never wound up using EITHER of those pictures as Layla’s new character profile… though either of them would have looked better than the one I eventually DID use, with its freaky perspective and wonky eyes.  These new drawings DID mark the first serious push towards Layla’s more “developed” figure, which sparked some debate… though at least some of that was because the line art in that first picture didn’t make it clear that Layla had tights on under that skirt.)