…aaaaand we’e back to our regular update schedule… with me drastically botching my time management and not getting this page done until hours and hours after it was due. Yep, RIGHT BACK TO NORMAL! Okay, the actual explanation is that I got so into the groove of working on the Patreon comics (more on that later) that I totally lost track of how far behind schedule I was on finishing THIS page… and then discovered to my horror that I’d also SPECTACULARLY messed up in planning the layout of the page, resulting in a ground-up rewrite to try and make everything fit. And, just for the record, I did NOT make everything fit. What you see before you is actually only HALF of the page I was planning to post today. The entire punchline had to be chopped off and turned into its own separate page… which I GUESS means I’ve got a bit of a head start on next Tuesday. And that’s a good thing, too, since I’ve also gotta get next Friday’s page done before I leave for MAGFest, and TRY to get the following Tuesday done as well… AND a, extra New Year’s comic if there’s time. Well, I KNOW there’s not time, but that’s never stopped me before…

Oh, and speaking of no time, I’m afraid I don’t have the new Voting Incentive up yet, but there WILL be one tomorrow. I just didn’t have time to finish it before… well, see above. In the meantime, remember what I said about Patreon comics? Yup, I finally started posting pages of the latest Far Out There Madlib this week! They’ve been creeping out a page or two at a time, and we should be at page 8 by this evening. Remember, even the lowest donation of a mere $1 A Month gets you access to all the new comics as soon as their posted!

EDIT: Well, it took a few hours longer than I expected (big surprise) but here’s the new Voting Incentive!

(Historical Notes: Once everything gets re-posted, somebody needs to go back and count up these boys’ appearances and see if the number of times they showed up before being named is more or less than Marshall and May.  I mean, I know the two Ms spent more TIME without getting addressed by name, but those appearances were also really spread out.)