Holy crap! I actually made it through all twenty-five days on this without dying!It truly is a Christmas miracle! Hope you all enjoyed what was EASILY the silliest holiday comic idea I’ve had yet.

So, on to business: tomorrow’s Tuesday, which SHOULD be when we go back to normal comics… but I’m just not gonna be able to pull that off. Between all the struggles to stay on time with these comics and all the other stuff I’ve been working on these past few weeks (Why, hello MAGFest! You’re terrifyingly close, aren’t you?), I didn’t get anywhere near enough normal comic prep done to just jump back into regular updates right away. There’ll DEFINITELY be a new page on Friday, though, so don’t worry about that.

Oh, but don’t you dare think I’m just taking it easy for a day, though. You know those short Far Out There comics I did for Patreon? I’m FINALLY unleashing another one over the course of this week, starting later today! If you aren’t already, why not buy a little present for yourself and become a patron so you can read ’em right as they come out? It only costs $1 a month!

Well, speaking of which, I gotta get to work editing the rest of those. In the mean time, MERRY CHRISTMAS!

(Historical Notes: It’s a little thing, but I really like Jenna totally macking on the band in the back.)