BLAAAAAAARG… well, it had to happen sometime. After dodging the bullet for most of the year, it seems I’ve finally been stricken with Con Plague. Not just feeling crappy from being tired, but actual, real, germs-and-everything-SICKNESS. Whee. That’s gonna make getting all those Conventional Wisdom pages done this week a lot of fun.

…and this is where I’d usually say SOMETHING about Voting Incentives… feels weird to not have any more Killer Station of Deadly Doom, doesn’t it? Well, hopefully by next week I’ll have some new Incentives ready by next week… and hopefully I’ll not be sickly and sleepy by then, too…

(Historical Notes: Look at sneaky little Past Me, slipping a link in to Conventional Wisdom even while freely admitting there weren’t any new comics yet!  That’s some prime clickbait!)