Logically, this page makes no sense. This gun thing is pointed at the screen Bridget was holding to display what Alphonse was seeing, as if it will be used to relay the energy into his projection on the ship… Except that Alphonse sees everything through that Tron suit he’s wearing, not the screen. Plus, the whole notion of Tabitha’s new machine being a GUN doesn’t jibe with what she was describing earlier. In previous pages, she seemed to be describing some sort of amplifier that would turn Alphonse’s projection into a weapon, but a stand-alone device that would be shot THROUGH him. Heck, even the room is suddenly different. That machine shouldn’t be able to fit into the room we’ve been seeing so far. So, yeah, all sorts of logical problems here… BUT I WANTED TO DRAW TABITHA AND BRIDGET BUILDING A GINORMOUS RAY GUN, AND IF LOGIC SAYS I CAN’T THEN LOGIC IS STUPID.

In other news, THIS IS THE VERY LAST PAGE OF THE KILLER STATION OF DEADLY DOOM!!! Man, hard to believe a silly little voting incentive comic managed to go on THAT long, huh? Hope you guys liked it as much as I did, and I’m glad this final twist got everybody talking 😀

So, what now? Well, for the very immediate future, nothing. I’ll be scrambling to get one more Conventional Wisdom done next Tuesday, so there won’t be a new incentive then, and there MIGHT not be one Friday either, ‘cos… well, frankly, I’m really, really tired. Speaking of which, when the Voting Incentives DO return, it won’t be another ongoing story just yet. Oh, I’ve got several ideas for more side story comics, I just need a break from it for a bit. In the meantime, we’ll go back to the kinds of stand alone pictures I was doing back in the early days. I think a chance to just cut loose and draw without thinking about plot will be fun!