Wait, this doesn’t look like a new page… ‘cos it isn’t. I’ve got the next page drawn, but guess what? My scanner died last night before I could do anything with it. This little doodle is the last thing I managed to get into the computer before the scanner became an inert lump (I’d just stuck it on dA here), so I figured I’d at least post SOMETHING today.

Fortunately, my pal Viga has offered me her old scanner, so I MIGHT be able to replace this page with an actual comic sometime tomorrow. We’ll see…

EDIT: So, I decided to leave this page up, partially because I just get paranoid about telling SmackJeeves to delete anything, but mostly ‘cos I just think this drawing is adorable and want everybody to see it.

(Historical Notes: Wow, I remembered the scanner dying on me, but I’d totally forgotten about this page’s existence.  I re-learn all sorts of things as I go through these again.  Also, it’s around this point that people really started to independently notice the… subtle alterations in Layla’s design.)