Well, there was no was I was gonna top last year in terms of visual creativity, so might as well go for broke on conceptual detail instead!

And if this feels like a little too much thought went into it for just a simple April Fool’s joke, that’s because it didn’t start out that way.  For a long time, this WASN’T a joke, I serious wanted to do this for real.  I can’t remember how much (if any) I’ve talked about this, but back in the day when I thought I had enough time/energy for side projects, I really did think about doing a Far Out There AU story with this exact set up.  Not as an on-going weekly series, even Past Me knew better than that, but as a miniseries of comic book-sized chapters.  And you know what?  Even though I now know there’s NO way I’d ever be able to get a thing like this done for serious (see the punch line) I do still enjoy the idea.  I think these characters transition over to this alternate setting quite nicely, and would quite easily fit in any number of stock manga storylines.  And what’s more, I still REALLY like those school uniforms.  It was a deliberate attempt to come up with a combination of the stereotypical Japanese sailor outfit and classic Star Trek uniforms, and I think it all works together a LOT better than it has any right to.  I’m tempted to do a whole set of “plot summary” pictures, just to have an excuse to draw those uniforms some more.

…but not before I get to work on page 1170, because HOLY CRAP did this thing throw me off schedule…