Stilez vs. Christmas – page 2
The height difference between Tax and Stilez is really tough to keep consistent. Tax is supposed to be unusually small, while Stilez is a frickin’ Amazon, so there’s a lot of space to mess up in.
Also, I dunno why, but I really like the idea of an entire organization of Santas. I’d TOTALLY read a story about that.
There’s so much background in these Stilez Vs Christmas strips that needs additional fan speculation! (And probably got it, before EVIL Smackjeeves swallowed it up)
Like the Grinch uprising – it seems that at one time, like-minded people from all over the galaxy, weary of having the christmas “season” forced upon them, which by then had expanded to begin in mid July, decided to gather together and found a new colony on a planet where they could live as they wished. pop culture, of course, dubbed them “grinches” as an insult, but they proudly adopted the moniker, a sizeable minority of them, more zealous than the rest, dubbing themselves “true grinches” bioengineered themselves into green, furry suesslike creatures as a thumb in the eye to society at large. Which worked out well, seeing as how the only planet they could afford, Grinchia, ended up being composed mostly of snowy mountaintops. In any case, the Santa Corp, concerned that the sentiment might spread, decided that they needed to “bring the true spirit of christmas to these poor lost people” on Grinchia, invaded and took over the government. Naturally, the grinches were not having any of this, thus the grinch uprising, which was really more of a long series of decades of skirmishes, as the grinches are outnumbered and underfunded and had to resort primarily to sled sabotage and hit and run attacks on deliveries, selling off the seized toys on SpaceCraigslist to continue to fund the rebellion. It was actually pretty effective, as the Santas eventually withdrew to cut their losses. Plus they were fighting a two-front war, what with the War on Christmas at the same time – even Santa’s got a limit to his resources!