*yawn* Okay… um, I was gonna make some jokes about April Fools pranks and all that, but… well, I’ve been up for 24 hours straight at this point. Between work and my own bad planning, I started work on this page VERY late, and I still have the rest of this week’s ACTUAL comics to get to work on. Wheee…

Not that I didn’t have WAY too much fun drawing this page. Funny costumes are fun. Random fact: the original “joke” was going to be that Trigger would wind up in a magical girl dress because “Huuur, boys in girls clothes are funny!” Thankfully, I was compelled to throw Bridget into the mix, even though there was no reason for her to be on the ship, and things just snowballed from there. In the end, Trigger in a skirt was squeezed out to make room for the rest, and I think we’re all better off for it.

Still, I do wish I’d managed to avoid doing the layout before I’d been up for a solid day. You’ll notice things are simultaneously too spread out (note the pointless empty space between speech bubbles and characters) AND too crowded (I had to scale Stilez down shorter than she ought to be so that her head didn’t get covered up). Well, it’s not like anything in this page is ACTUALLY happening, so whatever.

Anyway, yeah. I’m gonna go sleep for a bit before getting to work on tomorrow… tomorrow’s… ZZZzzz…

(Historical Notes: This is another page where part of me REALLY wanted to move stuff around and resize things… but it all overlaps JUUUUST enough that trying to move parts around would ultimately involve rebuilding the whole page from scratch, and that’s just too much work to put into an April Fool’s one-off.  And no, the fact that this 2013 April Fool’s comic just happened to be the page on the actual, real time, 2020 April Fool’s Day was NOT planned out ahead of time.  If I had that kind of planning power, I’d have used it to start setting up a new website before SmackJeeves went down.  Oh, and who would have thought that Tabitha facilitating the other girls dressing up in silly outfits would turn out to be a recurring theme?)