Another single-panel Blip page, and in an AMAZING coincidence, it’s another page I didn’t originally intend to do today. Basically, I realized future pages showed what happened AFTER Cap’n Crosby got Blip out from under that ramp, but never actually showed the act itself. I couldn’t find a place to wedge it into the background of the other pages, so I whipped up a new page on the fly because CONTINUITY IS IMPORTANT, DANG IT!!!

…and I’ve accidentally made Vampires a cannon part of the Far Out There universe. So that’s a thing.

Anyway, if you tried to see the new Voting Incentive earlier this morning… yeah, sorry about that. I messed up copy/pasting the url for the image. It should work now. (Yeah, I can’t find time to deal with The Forum or outdated images or broken site pages, but at least THIS gets addressed)

(Historical Notes: Insert joke about broken site stuff never changing HERE.  Anyway, it was cleverly pointed out that a “Vampire Cruiser” might not be a ship flown by vampires to collect hemoglobin but a ship that actually RUNS on hemoglobin and thus earned an ironic nickname.  That’s certainly the most Far Out There-style explanation.  Also, I’m already getting sick of the blue/purple color scheme again.  QUICK!  Give me a big flash of red and yellow!)