WHOA! It’s not even dawn and the page is already up? Enjoy it while you can, kiddies, I’m sure it’ll get a LOT worse over the course of next month.

Speaking of the future, by the way, just a quick heads up that there’ll be a extra page on Thursday. One special Thanksgiving page, two regularly scheduled pages on Friday and next Tuesday, and then the Christmas bonanza begins next Friday!

Anyway, actually seeing Tabitha and the kids was a last minute addition, the plan was originally to just hear her over the intercom. It’s definitely a change for the best, though, since Bridget is probably my favorite part of the whole page. “MOOOOOOOM! Why are always being so EMBARRASSING?!?!?!?”

Last up, there’s a new Voting Incentive, but the Vashti stuff is over. Between all the Christmas pages AND the multiple things I’m trying to get wrapped up for Patreon, Incentives aren’t going to have a theme beyond “whatever I felt like drawing at the moment” for a while.

(Historical Notes: Okay, from a strict storytelling standpoint, this doesn’t really make a lot of sense.  How did the ship not give off any “WARNING: escape pod flying right at us” warning BEFORE this happened?  You could say all the sensors were overloaded or shut down during the fight… but that would seem to require the pod being shot DURING the fight, rather than after.  Why would they abandon ship DURING the fight, especially one so short?  Webcomic Time really hits this sequence in reverse, since what took weeks to depict originally how feels QUITE brief.  And all that’s not even getting into how much stuff we eventually see is in that pod.  How did they not only decide to bail but ALSO drag all their stuff over there in so short a time?  The answer, of course, is “It’s funnier this way, shut up.”)