Well of COURSE Tabitha’s part of the plan involves creating an artificial quantum singularity. That sort of thing’s in her blood. With that in mind, I couldn’t resist having her slip into a bit of melodramatic mad scientist cackling. She IS Daddy’s Little Girl, after all.

Otherwise, this was one of those pages that just didn’t wanna get drawn. It always seems to be the simple ones. I mean, when you strip away all the fancy lighting, the actual line art on this one SHOULD have been a cakewalk. But nope, the perspective on the ships gave me all kinds of trouble, and getting Tabitha’s proportions right in a frame where you don’t actually see most of her body was harder than it should have been, and I STILL don’t really like how the page layout makes use of the space… but I guess I can’t expect to be firing on all cylinders after a solid day of just GRINDING out material for December. Gotta get at least SOME kind of a head start on that stuff, right?

Oh! And don’t forget the new Voting Incentive!

(Historical Notes: One of these days I’m gonna learn to make basic 3D models for the various spaceships and sets.  Then I can either trace them to get the perspective right, or just use pictures of them when I can’t be bothered.)