Ahhh, more fun with light and color. And size. I was trying to go for sort of a Corbomite Maneuver moment here, and all things considered, I guess it worked out pretty well.

Anyway, I don’t have a lot else to say about this page… mostly because I’m still getting over FINALLY finishing the last big Conventional Wisdom update of the year. Now that THAT’S out of the way, I have until MAGFest to… scramble to catch up on Patreon stuff and get as much of a head start as I can on this year’s Christmas comics… yeah, I’d better go ahead and take a nap NOW…

Oh, but don’t forget today’s new Voting Incentive!

(Historical Notes: I tip my hat to the poor souls to tried to work out the respective sizes of The Exposition and the new, bigger ship.  I definitely didn’t make things easy for anyone.)