Oh, but I DO love dropping hints of events I’ll never, ever explain in detail!

Okay, so the Pre-Otakon Crunch is in full swing (as I’ve alluded to elsewhere) and as a result, I don’t have today’s Voting Incentive ready as of this page going up. Oh, there’s one coming, don’t worry. I just wasn’t able to get it finished before the comic this time. Check back sometime this evening, and I’ll add a little “IT’S DONE” to this once it’s ready.

But SPEAKING OF VOTING INCENTIVES, you know how I started posting new Incentives directly to the SmackJeeves gallery after Photobucket got all stupid? Well, a whole mess of those Incentives have started going public today! A new one will go live every… I think it’s every hour, maybe? I dunno, I forget. The point is, new Incentive will be going live automatically well into the weekend. Basically, every Incentive between the last one of the previous batch and the first one I posted post-Photobucket. After that, one new Incentive will go live every Tuesday and Friday, a few weeks after it appeared on TWC. So, for the foreseeable future, the only MASS update in the Gallery will be when I post big chunks of Patreon comics (and believe it or not, I DO still have Patreon comics in the works)

Oh, and just in case the thought of seeing some Incentives you already saw before isn’t enough to get you excited, SOME of these are Special Editions that I spruced up a bit from their TWC versions. So keep checking to see what’s changed!

EDIT: THERE! New Voting Incentive is up!

(Historical Notes: This is one of the numerous pages where the Wayback Machine saved the actual page itself, but not the comic image, which made the comic title fairly ironic.)