Oh man, I am SO SORRY this page took so long to get up. If you guys missed the note I added to the comments on the last page, here’s the deal: I started feeling TERRIBLE Thursday evening. I’m not sure what set it off, exactly, but I had one of the worse headaches I’ve had in YEARS. I’m talking “I literally can’t move any part of my body more than an inch or the pain in my head will make me puke” level bad. And I don’t know if you know this, but constant throbbing cranial pain makes it juuuuust a little bit hard to get stuff done. I ended up sitting in bed gulping medicine until the wee hours of Friday morning when things finally settled down… at which point my body remembered that I’d been awake all night from head pain and promptly crashed for the rest of the day. So, yeah, not a very productive day.

Still, it DID get done… eventually! In some ways, I’m kind of glad for the delay, because I ended up yanking some things out of this page and moving them to later ones. Hopefully, the changes will work out a lot better during my Animazement absence next week. Also, I had a sudden, overpowering need to draw Avatar sitting on Stilez’s head, and this is what it took to make that happen. A man’s gotta have his priorities, after all.

Also, New Voting Incentive that somehow managed to get done in that brief window between the migraine easing off and my losing consciousness!

(Historical Notes: Man, Past Me really didn’t know the half of it when that Alt Text was written.  With all the character names to keep track of, “hugs” isn’t even CLOSE to being the most-used tag.)