Thousands of shipping-obsessed tumblr users just felt a sudden urge to make new fanfics or gif sets and are wondering why.

So, this is another one of those pages that’s EXTRA frustrating because it took forever to finish, but the average reader would never know it. I mean, two girls sitting on a couch, how hard can THAT be to draw? Now, those of you who’ve been reading for a while now have seen me complain more than once about drawing characters leaning all over each other like this (move one of them around a bit and suddenly you have to redraw the other, which then means you have to go back and redraw the first one and the cycle continues). So a page where such character positioning is literally the entire joke? That took a LOT of fiddling to get right, and I still don’t think that last panel really came together properly.

But all complaining and fanservice-teasing aside, this page DOES serve an important plot-related role: even when Tabitha’s being painfully self-conscious, she’s still one of the least self-aware people in existence.


5/19 EDIT: Okay, just a heads up to anyone coming by Friday and wondering why the comic is even later than usual. I had a MASSIVE headache last night (like, “if I move more than an inch I’m gonna throw up” massive) and that kiiiiiinda made it hard to get any work done. The next page IS coming, but I only just now managed to start working on it. If nothing else, just keep an eye on Twitter, tumblr, and Facebook for an alert when the page is actually done. Sorry!

(Historical Notes: I really wanted to try and do more to fix the awkward poses, but that quickly turned out to be one of those things where I’d basically just have to re-draw the whole thing to make it work.)