Well, this is annoying. Another page going up late and half-finished. What do you think the problem was THIS time? Getting too caught up in the Voting Incentive? Some crazy art problem that took hours and hours to fix? Horrifying computer or internet failure? Nope, I fell asleep. That’s all, I just got sleepy. The long version is that, for the past week or two, I honestly haven’t slept for more than a few hours without interruption, so when I started getting groggy yesterday evening, I THOUGHT I could just nap for a bit and then wake up in the super early AM and get back to work. And yet, after days and days of waking up stupidly early without wanting to, the one time I actually COUNTED on myself waking up early was when I slept a full nine hours without interruption. Of ALL the times to actually form a healthy life habit…

That’s not to say that this page is without problems. The layout you see before you is NOTHING like the one I had in my head when I started drawing. I really, REALLY wanted to have Tabitha sort of latching on to Stilez with her legs and bending over to grab Alphonse. For one thing, seeing her gangly frame twisting around in weird acrobatic ways seems like good physical comedy. But also, Having Stilez be a dominant physical presence in the first frame would have made the image of Tabitha walking away better. It would have expressed visually that there’s a choice being made here. Alas, as numerous other pages have proven, I am NOT good complicated physical poses, especially not when multiple characters are interacting with each other, so I had to just zoom that first panel in and move everything else around to fill the empty space. Oh well.

So yeah, finished version will be up sometime tonight. In the meantime, not only is there a new Voting Incentive to see, but I finally updated The Incentive Gallery again! So why not relive some early 2017 nostalgia while you wait? Or, at the very least, marvel at how much more elaborate the Incentives have gotten over the past few months.

(Historical Notes: Okay, I keeps saying I’m gonna hold back on the retroactive irony, but nostalgia for ANY specific date gets less and less funny the more time passes.)