Dang it, another late, half-finished page. And this time I can’t even blame today’s Voting Incentive. I tore myself away from that when it was just half-finished in hopes of getting this page done on time. THAT sure turned out well, huh? No, the problem this time was just that the page was really hard to draw… and it’s the worst kind of hard, too: the kind that doesn’t LOOK like it should have been very tricky at all. I mean, it’s mostly just a couple of characters sitting around! How hard can THAT be? Well, VERY when they’re in direct physical contact like this, since you can’t move one of the characters around without having to alter the other’s pose as well. And since this page ALSO has to fit multiple characters of varying sizes into a very small space, not to mention the whole foreground/background thing in the second panel, I was having to move a LOT around. I had to completely start that second panel over twice, and the end result is still only barely what I had in mind. Whine whine artist problems. As always, the polished up final version will be up sometime tonight.

Oh, and in case anyone asks why Layla doesn’t just go back to HER ROOM if she wants some privacy instead of sitting in a public space: the thought just occurred to me that, when Layla and Trigger first arrived on the ship, they were the only people other than the permanent residents for a WHILE. Layla probably got used to feeling like she could just go anywhere and be left alone if she wanted, and when Layla gets used to something, she expects it to ALWAYS BE THAT WAY, DANG IT.

(Historical Notes: As several people have pointed out over the years, the REAL reason Layla doesn’t go back to her room is because, really, she WANTS to be around friends.  She just wants those friends to do exactly what she wants exactly the way she wants.)