I think the vending machines must be cursed. Seriously, it feels like all the worst instances of me posting unfinished pages recently have been pages with vending machines in them. I’m probably just imagining it, but that extra background detail DOES seem to always add more work than I expect. I mean, doing all those books on Ichabod’s shelves was a lot of extra work too, but at least then I knew going in that it would be a chore. Somehow, I always seem to forget just how much extra time it takes to do “Imaginary Future Fast Food” a dozen or two times (and I didn’t really even have to do that many this time) Well, at least i was able to get all the plot relevant details finished before throwing in the towel and taking a nap, so all you’re missing out on this time is some color.

But speaking of “plot relevant” …yeah, I’m just going to admit it: the only reason this page exists is because I wanted to draw Vengeance eating a big, silly-looking sundae. I could easily have fit “Stilez and Tax are carrying Avatar around and being loud” into next Friday’s page and probably tightened up the pacing of the plot… but I just really wanted to draw Vengeance eating a big, silly-looking sundae, and this is how I could make that happen. I apologize for nothing.

And speaking of Vengeance, New Voting Incentive!

(Historical Notes: The Alt Text doesn’t know what it’s talking about.  Anyone who DOES know about Far Out There would know that actual bunnies would be waaay too obvious.  The comment section immediately started speculating that “bunny” was a nickname for some horrifying genetically engineered creature.  See, you guys know the REAL score.)