I’m kinda miffed over this one. I wanted this page to still have a dark, shadow-y look along the lines of the previous page… except not ACTUALLY the same as that page, since I wanted the text on all those book covers to be legible. I was afraid that doing the lighting and shadow via solid colors would obscure the text too much, so I went with the layers of screen tone instead… which DEFINITELY obscured the text, probably more than doing things the other way would have. I didn’t even bother putting text on half the books in the end, pretty much defeating the whole point of the page. Dang it, Ichabod! Turn your lights on!

On a far less frustrating note, go check out the new Voting Incentive, which turned out to be one of my favorite things I’ve drawn in a looooooong time …and will no doubt spark some delicious rampant fan speculation 🙂

(Historical Notes: The Voting Incentive in question is that one with a wall full of numbered Stilezes in science-y pods, with one of them broken and empty.  And yes, it did indeed turn out to be HIGHLY controversial and remains of questionable canonicity.)